Focus and Scope
Bioedutech: Jurnal Pendidikan Biologi, Biologi Terapan dan Teknologi Pembelajaran Biologi is a periodic scientific journal that is published twice a year (March-October) which publishes the results of original research on Biology, Biology education and Biology technology learning. This journal aims to develop concepts, theories, perspectives, paradigms, and methodologies in the study of Biology, Biology Education and Biology technology learning.
The scope of the Bioedutech Journal includes:
- Research on Biology/Science Learning at all levels of educational units which include learning concepts, lesson plans, learning models, and teaching skills in Biology/Science.
- Pure Biology research developed into learning resources, teaching materials, learning media for Biology/ Science and its application in society.
- Biology technology learning and the application of information technology for learning Biology.
- The curriculum of Biology education at all levels of educational units which includes learning design, competency analysis, syllabus, and lesson plan.
- Classroom action research (CAR) and Lesson Study which includes analysis of the material, methods, student needs, student personality, or student problems.
- School management and management of the Biology or Science laboratory.
- Other qualitative research, quantitative research and development, and mixed-methods of Biology education.
- Evaluation and assessment of learning Biology/Science.
- Lesson study in improving the quality of biology learning.
- Other studies for the scope of Biology education.